Registration & Pricing

Cost for the program


Suggested price for each month of the journey


Suggested price for the full three months

No one turned away for lack of funds!

Discounts & Packages

Early Bird Discount

The first ten people to sign up before May 3rd will receive $90 off the suggested price, for a total of $450 for the full program.

Buddy Package

Sign up with two other people and each person in your group of three will receive over $200 off the suggested price, for a total of $333 per person for the full program.

Returner Rate

If you've already participated in the program, you can join an upcoming group for half off of the suggested price, for a total of $270 for the full program.

Payment Plans

Payment plans are available, which allow you to break up the cost into monthly installments or to split the cost into two installments. Reminders can be sent when payments are due or you can manage your payment plan yourself.

No one turned away for lack of funds!

If you want to join Everyday Aliveness but cannot afford the suggested price, you can pay what you can afford and you will be warmly welcomed into the program regardless. Money means vastly different things for different people, so to ensure that this program is accessible for a variety of people there is an option to join whether or not you can pay the suggested price, or anything for the program.

If you are able to pay more than the suggested price, you are encouraged to. Doing so allows this program to be accessible for a broader range of people with a diverse range of backgrounds and perspectives, which benefits everyone who participates.

Join the Next Cohort

Registration for the summer 2024 cohort is:


The next cohort begins on:

June 2nd, 2024

Deadline to complete registration:

May 31st, 2024

Everyone is asked to join the opening circle. Beyond that, you can sign up to join one month, two months, or the full three months. You'll be able to indicate which months you are signing up for in the registration form.

Register here

After you complete the registration form, Em will reach out and schedule a call to get to know you better and answer any questions you may have. You will also be sent the welcome packet and invitations to the group meetings.

FAQ >>
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