How to Prepare

What happens in a session?

Typically, people experience increased sensation and awareness of their body, heart, and mind; feelings and experiences that have been unattended to; insight about their motivations, behaviors, desires, and the dynamics they are experiencing; and a heightened sense of connection to parts of themselves, the world around them, a sense of guidance, and others. We start by observing and analyzing your current breathing patterns while sitting down. Then, when we've discussed it a bit, we'll transition into lying down and breathing with more of the full body.

This modality is for you if you want to be diving deep into the layers of what you have experienced, how you feel, the intelligence of your heart and mind, and what you are capable of. The sessions are emergent, meaning that we follow whatever naturally arises for you during the course of the session, and experiential, meaning that you will be experiencing and processing things in real-time. To learn more about breathwork and its benefits, check out this article, this book, or this podcast episode.

Breakdown of a Typical Session

Sessions last between 90 minutes and 2 hours, typically, though can go longer in special circumstances when more content comes up.


To prepare for a session, if you have the time, you can rinse off, get into comfy clothing, and set up your space to be comforting. If you don't have the time to do that beforehand, just come as you are. If it's a virtual session, you'll need to set up a phone or laptop in a way that I'll be able to see and hear you while you are lying down and breathing.


We begin by grounding, relaxing, and breathing together. As you settle into it, you'll eventually start to notice feelings, images, or sensations that are ready for exploring. When that happens, I'll be there to help facilitate your process and support you to engage with whoever and whatever shows up along the way.


At the end of the session, we'll take a few minutes to debrief and make sure you feel ready to transition. Make sure to take care throughout your day and in the days following the session by drinking plenty of water, resting, and journaling as you feel called.

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